Linda’s Certifications, Trainings, & Experience
- BA in Alternative Education, Bennington College, Bennington, VT.
- Licensed Massage Therapist, Sarasota School of Massage, Sarasota, FL. and Just for Your Health College of Massage, San Jose, CA
Intensive Study and Training:
- Tai Chi Yang Style Short Form, with Sifu Tom Bailey, a direct disciple of Master Chen Man Ch’ing
- Tai Chi movement, Chi Gong, Eastern Philosophy, Chinese Poetry, and Chinese Calligraphy. Master Chungliang Al Huang, founder of Living Tao Foundation.
- Taijiquan, Bajiquan, Chi Gong, Meditation, Eastern Philosophy. Master Deng Ming-Dao.
- Certified Tai Chi Instructor through ATCQA American Tai Chi and Qigong Association
- Director of Tibetan Buddhist Center under the guidance of H.E. Choden Rinpoche.
- Certified Soul IntegrationTM Process by The THEO Group, Inc., developed by Sheila and Marcus Gilette.